After analyzing the simulation data for the POPC lipids at various
NaCl and CaCl2 concentrations using the Drude polarizable model, I have
compiled all the results in the manuscript.
You can access all the figures, scripts, and the source files used in the analysis in the GitHub repository.
Here I’d like to summarize the main results we have obtained so far.
1) The headgroup and glycerol backbone order parameters
predicted by Drude force field are very different than the ones with
Charmm36 force field.
The Fig. 1 in the manuscript show that Drude model predicts a
forking at the beta and alpha order parameters, which are not predicted
by the Charmm36 force field.
Figure 1: Headgroup and glycerol backbone order parameters of POPC without ions from Charmm-Drude and Charmm36 simulations |
We further see that the response of these
order parameters to changing Na+/Ca2+ concentrations
also deviate significantly from the Charmm36 results, as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Changes in the headgroup order parameters upon addition of ions in Charmm-Drude and Charmm36 simulations. |
2) The dihedral distributions around the lipid headgroup and
glycerol backbone have completely different profiles compared to the
Charmm36 force field.
In Figs. 3 and 4, we show the dihedral angle distributions around
the lipid headgroup and glycerol backbone at different ion
concentrations. We observe the largest differences, as a function of the
ion concentration, at the Og3-P-Oα-Cα and the
g3-Og3-P-Oα pairs. For the remaining of the distributions, we
don’t observe large changes.
When compared to the Charmm36 results [Fig.2 of NMRlipids IVb manuscript],
we see that the Drude model yields completely different dihedral angle distributions.
3) The density profiles for the ions suggest that the sodium binding is too strong.
Following Samuli’s comment:
"Based on rough comparison of calcium ion density profiles to the results in Fig.5 in,
it seems that the binding affinity of calcium could be similar to the
model which gives the correct order parameter responses. However, based
on both order parameter changes and density profiles, the sodium binding
to membranes seems to be clearly stronger
than calcium, which is not line with the experiments."
Overall, our calculations show that the Charmm Drude polarizable
model does not improve on the results of the Charmm36 force field. In
fact, we see that the Drude polarizable model yields worse results than
Charmm36, as evident from the forking of the
beta and alpha order parameters in Drude model. This suggests that
inclusion of the polarizability does not automatically improve the
headgroup conformational ensembles and ion binding affinities to the
membranes. Based on the current evidence, we are not planning
to run any more simulations using the Drude model (for the POPC lipids)
and switch our focus to the other polarizable force fields.
From now on, we are planning to concentrate on obtaining simulation
results for the AMOEBA and other polarizable force fields. Still, we
think it could be very helpful to have data from Charmm-Drude
simulations (also older versions) for cross-checking our results. To
be consistent with the Drude simulations, our first focus will be the
pure POPC membranes at different CaCl2 and NaCl concentrations. It seems
like we will be obtaining some trajectories soon. However we kindly invite anyone who might have some trajectories with the AMOEBA and other force fields to share them with us.
Any comment on the current results or data contributions, as always, will be greatly appreciated.
Batuhan Kav
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