The workshop was opened by Samuli Ollila presenting the current status and open issues in the NMRlipids project (slides available here). The presentation was followed by a discussion to determine the main goals of the workshop:
- Define a quantitative quality measure for the structural quality of a lipid bilayer simulation.
- Create instructions on how to contribute data into the NMRlipids databank.
- Create a universal code to visualize lipid structures in simulations (for example, see this figure).
- this, and analyze the differences between PC, PS, PG and PE headgroup structures as suggested in the NMRlipids IVb project. The code for this was generated, but it is not yet publicly available. isualize structural differences between force fields and lipids. The aim was to create a code which automatically visualizes lipid structure by generating figures like
- The analysis code to calculate order parameters from united atom models by Patrick Fuchs is progressing, but it is not yet publicly available. The merging with the current order parameters calculation code was superficially discussed. See also the discussion in the blog after the workshop.
- In the discussion following the presentation by Tiago Ferreira, we concluded that the sn-1 chain order parameters from natural abundance 13C NMR may be less accurate than 0.02 (the previously used quantitative accuracy of order parameters) due to the spectral overlap. The order parameters from specifically deuterated samples are probably more accurate for this region. This is relevant for the quantitative quality measure and for the NMRlipids III project. Further discussion is in the issue.
- In the discussion following the presentation by Ivan Gushchin about lipid bilayer density profiles and scattering form factors, we concluded that some of the complications in the NMRlipids III project could be potentially resolved by separately analyzing the effect of POPC and cholesterol densities to the form factors from POPC/cholesterol mixture.
- The possibilities of using Markov state modeling presented by Ivan